这是一门纯英文课程,配有英文字幕,由纽约金融学院合作赞助。通过1个学时的学习,学员可以对资本市场的框架有一个基本了解,迅速掌握包括市场构成以及市场的主要参与者如做市商、经纪人、资产管理公司、对冲基金等介绍;老师拥有华尔街数十年丰富的行业经验,授课通俗生动。 Taught by instructors with decades of experience on Wall Street, this economics and finance course provides students with a basic foundation in market structure, market structure science, and market mechanics. You’ll learn about the major elements and concepts that form a market and determine its development. You’ll also learn about key market participants including market makers, brokers, asset managers, hedge funds and more. This course is a great introduction to market structure.
通过本课程的学习,学员将了解什么是市场,熟悉市场结构的两个维度,了解场外交易和交易所市场之间的区别,了解市场的主要参与者,掌握流动性的概念,了解金融市场机制的关键要素,交易频率如何影响市场演化。同时,纯英文的教学可以使学员加深理解市场结构的相关概念,学习金融市场有关的专业英文词汇。 By the end of this course, you will be able to: Recognize markets in general Recognize the two dimensions of market structure Identify the differences between OTC and Exchange Systems Recognize how to define market participants Explain the concept of liquidity Identify the key elements of financial market mechanics Recognize how transaction frequency influences market evolution.
市场,结构,Electronic Trading
银行个人业务人员、公司业务人员、营销管理人员、客户服务和管理人员和相关工作岗位人员以及对相关业务知识有兴趣人员等 Traders, regulators, risk managers and financial journalists