这是一门纯英文课程,配有英文字幕,由纽约金融学院合作赞助。主要介绍了风险管理的概念和方法。通过学习本课程,学员能够了解在金融市场中风险监管的作用,并学习如何识别和掌握各种类型的金融风险及其来源。 This economics and finance course is an introductory survey of risk management concepts and techniques. Learners will review the role of risk regulation in financial markets, and learn how to identify and describe the various types of financial risk and their sources.
通过本课程的学习,学员可以区分金融风险和商业风险;识别和描述各种类型的金融风险及其来源;识别现实世界中不符合“标准模型”前提假设的情况,这同时也是风险管理在公司中能够发挥价值的地方;了解风险度量与风险管理的区别。同时,纯英文的教学可以使学员加深理解风险的概念,学习风险相关专业英文词汇。 By the end of this course, you will be able to: Differentiate between financial risks and business risks. Identify and describe the various types of financial risk and their sources. Identity the real-world violations of the ‘standard model’ assumptions that make risk management value enhancing to the firm. Differentiate between risk measurement and risk management.
风险管理 Risk Management
风险分析和风险管理人员,财务部门分析师,以及与风险管理相关的金融专业人士与监管机构人员。 Risk analysts and risk managers, treasury analysts, regulators and finance professionals with risk-related roles.